Cypripedium x 'Ventricosum Pastel' (Lady's Slipper Orchid)

Family:  Orchidaceae
Zone: 4 - 8
Natural Range: Hybrid;  Cypripedium calceolus x macranthos
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade
Height:  12" - 18"
Bloom Time: April to June
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit 
Attributes:  Deciduous.  A mix of pink or white flowers with creamy white markings.  Flower is shaped more like Cyp. calceolus but a bit wider like macranthos. 
Notes:  This is an artificial hybrid of what occurs naturally in the wild where the to species overlap in distribution.  One of my favorite and best growing hybrids in the garden.  X Large blooming size rhizomes

Cypripedium will be shipped in the fall starting late October.   Spring shipping can be arranged when requested.