Pyrrosia lingua 'Ogon Nishiki' (Felt Fern)

Family:  Polypodiaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 6" - 18"
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen.  Green blade-like fronds with contrasting underside of the frond.  Orange felt like sori that cover the entire frond.   This form has fronds with dark green and light green striping. 
Notes: Slow growing, creeping rhizome.  Pyrrosia grow on mossy logs, trees and rocks in the wild.  In the garden Pyrrosia grow well with other ferns in a good loose rich moist soil.  Shelter from the afternoon sun.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot