Family: Sapindaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Pacific Northwest
Soil: Average to dry, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 15’ - 30'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous, small tree or shrub. Pink new growth. Red stems.
Notes: This form was collected from the San Juan Islands.
Pot Size: Medium Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily: Sapindaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Utah
Soil: Average to dry, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 10'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous, small tree or shrub. Pink new growth. Red stems.
Notes: This distinctly three lobbed form was collected in the Wasatch Mountains.
Pot Size: Medium Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily: Sapindaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Western US
Soil: Average to dry, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 15’ - 30'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous, small tree with broad, spreading canopy, often grows into a multi-stemmed tree. Dark green lobed leaves with brilliant fall foliage in tones of red, orange, and yellow
Notes: Very popular and adaptable to difficult conditions. From our collections in the mountains above Salt Lake City.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily: Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: PNW
Soil: Average, moist, well drained
Light: Part shade
Height: 25'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attributes: Deciduous. Pink to dusky rose-purple new growth.
Notes: A very unique and rare form of Big Leaf Maple.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 3'
Family: Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Pacific Northwest
Soil: Moist, well drained
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 50'
Bloom Time: April to May
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous. White, gray and green variegated leaf form of Big Leaf Maple.
Notes: A very unique and rare form of Big Leaf Maple found on Oregon's Santiam Highway area near the Santiam River. Limited numbers available. Requires little maintenance one established and can be quite drought tolerant. Best if planted in more shade, avoiding direct afternoon sun.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range:PNW
Soil: Humus rich, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 25'
Bloom Time: May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Columnar growth with gold fall foliage.
Notes: A great selection for small gardens.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Mediterranean
Soil: Average
Light: Sun to Part sun
Height: 12' - 30'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attributes: Semi-evergreen. Densely branched shrub with small, glossy leaves.
Notes: Rounded crown.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Berberidaceae
Zone: 6-9
Natural Range: Pacific Northwest
Soil: Average to moist but very drought tolerant once established
Light: part shade-shade
Bloom Time: April to June
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: 12" tall. White bottle brush like blooms in spring. Dark purple berries and trifoliate lobed leaves.
Notes: Vanilla scent when dried.
Pot Size: 4" Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily: Pteridaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: California
Soil: Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 12" - 24"
Attributes: Evergreen. Bright green, fronds. Short creeping rhizome. Clumping.
Notes: Rare newly described species endemic to parts of Northern California.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
Natural Range: China; Himalayan Mountains
Soil: Average, moist humus rich well
Light: shade, part shade
Height: 6"-12"
Bloom Time: NA
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Evergreen, dark purple stipe, red-pink new growth, dark green fronds.
Notes: Low growing mat forming groundcover fern that can form broad dense stands. One of the best ferns EVER!!!!!!
Pot Size: 4" Pot
OUT OF STOCK Family: Amaryllidaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: Hybrid; PP25,966
Soil: Average, well drained
Light: Sun
Height: 24"
Bloom Time: July to September
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous in cooler climates. Clumping. A compact variety with uniform heads of rich blue flowers and a dark midstripe on each petal.
Notes: Hybridized by Vance Hooper from New Zealand. One of the parents is native to high elevations of South Africa.
Pot Size: Quart Pot
OUT OF STOCK Family: Amaryllidaceae
Zone: 6 – 10
Natural Range: Hybrid; PPAF
Soil: Average
Light: Sun
Height: 36”
Bloom Time: July to September
Attracts: Hummingbirds, Butterflies, Bees
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous strap like foliage in cooler climates. Clumping. Tall, slender stalks with a starburst of blue flowers streaked with dark blue.
Notes: Strong growing new hybrid developed for more vigor in cooler climates.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil: Average, rich well-drained soil
Light: Sun
Height: 24"
Bloom Time: July to September
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous. Compact habit with well-branched and bushy foliage topped with vibrant orange-red flowers and gold center with dark streaks.
Notes: Tuberous perennial lily.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
OUT OF STOCK Family:Apocynaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: North America
Soil: Average, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 36” tall 42” wide
Bloom Time: May to July
Attracts:Butterflies, Hummingbirds
Resistant to: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous, Clumping. Dark purple new growth, turning olive green during the summer and yellow fall foliage. Numerous periwinkle blue flowers.
Notes: Looks best when massed in an informal setting.
Pot Size: Large Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily:Ranunculaceae
Zone:6 - 10
Natural Range: Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California Alberta and Wyoming
Soil: Average to moist well drained
Light: part shade, Sun
Height: 2' - 4'
Attributes: Deciduous. Basal leaves with orange-red and yellow flowers.
Notes: Great for hummingbirds and pollinators.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily: Ericaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: PNW
Soil: Average to dry, well drained
Light: Part shade-sun
Height: 15'- 30'
Attributes: Evergreen, Bright red - orange bark, peels to reveal a green new layer. White flowers in hanging cluster, orange - red fruit.
Notes: Once established they resent root disturbance and do not take to transplantation. Use as a specimen tree to show off its ornamental bark.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot 12" - 18"
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: California
Soil:Average to moist, humus rich, becomes fairly drought tolerant
Light: Part shade
Height: 50'
Bloom Time: February to May (re-blooms sporadically all summer)
Attracts: Butterflies
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:Deciduous. One inch pipe shaped flowers. Heart shaped fuzzy leaves.
Notes:In the Sierras A. californica often is found growing in shady woodlands scrambling among shrubs in damper areas. Can take a few seasons before it realy takes off.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKZone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: hybrid
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 16"
Attributes: Deciduous. Tight foliage with short flower spikes of creamy white flowers. Orange-red fall foliage.
Notes: A low maintenance plant that works well with other lower growing shade perennials.
Pot Size: Large Band Pots
$15.00IN STOCK
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: PNW
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4' - 6'
Attributes: Deciduous, male flowers and female flowers on separate plants. Tall plumes of white flowers. Ferny foliage.
Notes: A low maintenance plant that looks nice as a backdrop in a perennial garden, or shady edge. These seedlings are from a Silver Creek seed collection.
Pot Size: Large Band Pots
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Garryaceae
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil: Average
Light: Part shade to shade.
Height: 4'
Bloom Time: Spring
Attributes: Evergreen. Mat-green leaves with toothed edges. Star shaped, dark purple-red flowers. This form has wider leaves and small yellow spotting.
Notes: A Cistus Nursery introduction. Attractive small, open shrub from the cool forests of China.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily: Garryaceae
Zone:7 - 10
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil: Average
Light: Part shade to shade.
Height: 4'
Bloom Time: Spring
Attributes: Evergreen. Mat-green leaves with toothed edges. Star shaped, dark purple-red flowers with yellow pollen.
Notes: Attractive small, open shrub from the cool forests of China.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Garryaceae
Zone: 6 - 10
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Average
Light: Part shade
Height: 4'
Bloom Time: Spring
Attributes: Evergreen. Green leaves
Notes: An easily grown broad leaf evergreen shrub that is a great foundation plant.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$18.00IN STOCK
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Tibet
Soil: Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4'
Attributes: Evergreen. 1" yellow flowers. Red stems with dark green, holly like foliage with contrasting white underside.
Notes: A rare species from Tibet with large flowers that are much bigger than other Berberis species.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$20.00IN STOCK
Family: Berberidaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Chile
Soil: Average, drought tolerant
Light: Sun
Height: 4' - 8'
Bloom Time: March to May
Attracts: Bees, Birds, Butterflies
Pest Resistance: Deer
Attributes: Evergreen, glossy, dark green leaves. Rich orange flowers.
Notes: More compact when given full sun.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: China
Family: Berberidaceae
Soil: Moist, humus rich, Well drained
Light: part shade, sun
Height: 5'
Attributes: Dense evergreen shrub. Narrow dark green leaves with pale yellow flowers in summer and dark blue fruit in winter.
Notes: Attractive foliage plant.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKZone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil: Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4' - 8'
Bloom Time:
Attributes: Evergreen. Yellow flowers from 15-25 clusterd at one joint. Black fruit. Long, lanceolae leaves to 5" long with short spiny margins.
Notes: One of the finest Berberis for foliage.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
OUT OF STOCKZone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Taiwan
Soil: Average, humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4' - 6'
Attributes: Evergreen, yellow flowers in summer, blue fruit in fall. powdery white underneath the immature foliage. Dark green whorled foliage on mature plants.
Notes: Berberis Kawakamii is a hardy and substantial species with thick dark green and glossy leaves. When in flower the branches are clad in numerous bright yellow flowers.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
$18.00IN STOCK
Family: Berberidaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Tibet
Soil: Average
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 4' - 8'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: Bees, Birds
Pest Resistance: Deer
Attributes: Deciduous. Arching stems, with glaucous foliage with white beneath. Pale yellow flowers to about 1/2" long. Red fall foliage. Red fruit.
Notes: Striking species discovered by Kingdon Ward on Temo La.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Cupressaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Western North America
Soil: Average, drought tolerant, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 30' - 50'
Bloom Time: NA
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Evergreen. Flat needles. Orange-brown bark.
Notes: Noted to be tolerant of summer heat and humidity.
Pot size: Medium Band Pot
Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 10"
Attributes: Deciduous, Very early spring blooms purple flowers. Spreading groundcover.
Notes: A stunning early blooming perennial for the lightly shaded garden.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
$14.00IN STOCK
Zone: 5-9
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 10"
Attributes: Evergreen. Glossy trifoliate leaves with white flowers held above the foliage late winter, early spring.
Notes: Slowly spreading ground-cover.
Post Size: 4" Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Juglandaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern United States
Soil: Average, moist well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 50'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Straight trunk, rounded crown. Compound pinnate leaves. Attractive yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Native to hillsides and ridges throughout eastern and central U.S. Especially in the Appalachian forests and the Ohio River Valley.
Pot size: Small Band Pot
Family: Juglandaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern North merica
Soil: Average, moist well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 50'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Irregular, oval-rounded crown. Smooth, yellow-green pinnate leaves. Yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Hickory produces edible nuts.
Pot size: Large Band Pot
Zone:7 - 10
Natural Range: PNW
Soil: Average drought tolerant
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 3' - 8'
Bloom Time: May to August
Attributes: Slow growing evergreen shrub with glossy gray-green fragrant leaves. Fragrant white flowers.
Notes: Great for wildlife and pollinators.
Pot Size: Small band pot 12" - 18" tall
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 2' - 3' Tall
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: PNW; Northern California
Soil: Average to dry, humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Attributes: Deciduous. 8' - 15' tall. Large shrub or small tree with multi - stemmed trunks. Blue - green heart shaped leaves that turn yellow and red in the fall. Small pea like flowers are purple - pink in spring followed by brown - red pea pods.
Notes: A great drought tolerant species for the native garden.
Pot Size: Medium Band Pot
Family: Cupressaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: California, Oregon
Soil: Average, drought tolerant, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 30' - 50'
Bloom Time: NA
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Evergreen. Blue-green needles with feathery look.
Notes: Narrow pyramidal growth.
Pot size: Medium Band Pot 18" - 24"
Family: Fagaceae
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range: Washington, Oregon, California
Soil: Average drought tolerant
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 15' - 30'
Bloom Time: February to July
Attributes: Slow growing evergreen tree with rich green leaves and yellow scales on the underside of its leaves. White flowers late winter to late spring. Seeds are in-cased in a spiny burr like cover.
Notes: Male and female flowers on same tree. Slow growing tree that in the wild is reported to grow over 100 feet tall.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 12" - 18" tall
Family: Asparagaceae
Zone: 8 - 10
Natural Range: New Zealand
Soil: Average, humus rich well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 6' - 8'
Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Greenish-white to purple brown fragrant flowers.
Notes: Small single trunk with 5" wide leaves.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
OUT OF STOCKPot Size: Medium Band Pot 8" - 12"