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Abies firma (Momi Fir, Japanese Fir)
Abies firma (Momi Fir, Japanese Fir)

Family: Pineaceae
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 60'
Bloom Time:  NA
Attributes: Evergreen.  Conical-pyramidal growth with sharp needles arranged comb-like.
Notes: Grows from near sea level to around 6,000' elevation. Reported to be tolerant of heat and humid conditions of the southeastern US.  Easy growing and pest free tree with attractive needles and growth.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pot



Abies pindrow (West Himalayan Fir)
Abies pindrow (West Himalayan Fir)

Family: Pineaceae
Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range: Afghanistan, northern India, Nepal, Pakistan
Soil:  Average
Light: Sun
Height: 70' - 200' shorter in cultivation.
Bloom Time:  NA
Attributes: Evergreen.  Dark blue new cones.
Notes: Native to high mountains of 2000-3400 m.  Frequently found in pure stands near the tree line.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Acer buergerianum (Trident Maple)
Acer buergerianum (Trident Maple)

Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern China, Japan 
Soil:  Average, moist, humus rich
Light: part shade, sun
Height: 30 feet tall
Attributes: Deciduous.  Three-toothed maple with triangular appearance.  Attractive fall foliage.  Exfoliating bark with age.
Notes:  Name honors Heinrich Buerger.

Pot size:  Small band pot 3' - 4'



Acer circinatum 'Sunglow'  (Hybrid Vine Maple)
Acer circinatum 'Sunglow' (Hybrid Vine Maple)

Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: part shade, sun
Height: 6'
Attributes: Deciduous.  Peach to orange new growth turning to golden yellow with contrasting veins.  Red fall foliage.
Notes:What a gorgeous foliage selection.

Pot size:  1 Gallon Pot 2'



Acer elegantulum (Elegant Maple)
Acer elegantulum (Elegant Maple)

Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone: 5-9
Natural Range: China 
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: part shade, sun
Height: 30 feet tall
Attributes: Deciduous.  Deeply lobed leaves with red-purple foliage.
Notes:  A very attractive and distinct Maple with good foliage color.

Pot size:  Large band pot



Acer griseum (Paperbark Maple)
Acer griseum (Paperbark Maple)

Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Central and Eastern China
Soil:  Average, moist, humus rich
Light: part shade, sun
Height: 10' - 20'
Attributes: Deciduous.  Slow growing with rounded canopy with slender upright branching.  Exfoliating copper orange to cinnamon bark.  Orange red fall foliage.  Toothed, trifoliate leaves to 5" long.
Notes:  Extremely ornamental for its large curls of peeling bark that remain on the tree.

Pot size:  Medium Band Pot



Acer miyabei  (Miyabe Maple)
Acer miyabei (Miyabe Maple) Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone:  4 - 9
Natural Range:  Japan
Soil:  Average, moist well drained
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  15’ – 30’
Bloom Time:  March to April
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous, small to medium rounded tree.  Five-lobed, palmate foliage to 5” long.  Leaves stay green into October then turn rich yellow as the temperatures drop.  Corky gray-brown bark.  Named after botanist and Professor Kingo Miyabe.
Notes:  Found in only a few scattered locations on Hokkaido, Japan where it is now endangered.
Pot size:  Medium Band Pot


Acer monspessulanum (Montpellier Maple)
Acer monspessulanum (Montpellier Maple)

Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Mediterranean
Soil: Average
Light: Sun to Part sun
Height: 12' - 30'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attributes: Semi-evergreen.  Densely branched shrub with small, glossy leaves. 
Notes:  Rounded crown.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon  Pot



Acer paxii (Species Maple)
Acer paxii (Species Maple)

Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Average, moist, humus rich
Light: part shade, sun
Height: 30 feet tall
Attributes:  Pink new growth prior previous season foliage drops.  Trident shaped leaves.
Notes:  Syn.  Acer oblongum var. biauritum.

Pot size:  Small Band Pot



Acer pensylvanicum (Northeastern Snakebark Maple, Whistlewood)
Acer pensylvanicum (Northeastern Snakebark Maple, Whistlewood)
Zone: 5 - 9

Natural Range: Northeastern United States to Eastern Canada
Soil:  Moist to average humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade to shade
Height: 15' - 25'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attributes:  Deciduous. Rounded but uneven crown.  Green and white snakebark.  Obovate, three-lobed leaves to 7" long.  New growth is pinkish bronze.  Bright yellow fall foliage.  Pendant racemes to 6" long in spring.  Winged samaras.
Notes:  Under-story maple native to moist rocky forests through the Appalachians to Georgia.  A perfect and attractive maple for a shady garden. 1 gallon size pots

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Acer x  'Morton Morning Starburst  (Morning Starburt Maple)
Acer x 'Morton Morning Starburst (Morning Starburt Maple)

Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid; Acer circinatum x Acer psudosieboldianum
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 25' 
Attributes: Deciduous.  Pinkish new growth and red fall foliage.
Notes:Acer circinatum hybrid found in the Morton Arboretum collections.

Pot size:  Large Band Pot



Actinidia tetramera var. maloides Male (Variegated Kiwi Vine)
Actinidia tetramera var. maloides Male (Variegated Kiwi Vine)

Family:  Actinidiaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 20'
Attracts:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous vine.  Simple, ovate, dark green leaves that are variegated with pink and cream, white tips, flushed pink.  Small, fragrant dark pink flowers.
Notes: Rarely seen kiwi.  Formerly known as Actinidia pilosula

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot



Aesculus flava (Yellow Buckeye) syn. Aesculus octandra
Aesculus flava (Yellow Buckeye) syn. Aesculus octandra

Family:  Sapindaceae
Zone:  4 - 9
Natural Range:  Eastern North America
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  50’
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous, dark green palmately compound leaves with five to seven leaflets.  Yellow-orange fall foliage.  Yellow-green inflorescence to 7" long.
Notes:  Attractive ornamental shade tree with good fall foliage. 

Pot size: Large Band Pot



Aesculus glabra 'LavaBurst' (Buckeye)
Aesculus glabra 'LavaBurst' (Buckeye)

Family: Sapindaceae
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 20' - 40'
Attributes: Deciduous.  Palmate leaves with rounded crown.  Bright red-orange fall foliage.  Greenish-yellow flowers to 12" long. 
Notes:  This selection is a narrow, upright form with better fall color.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pot



Aesculus glabra (Buckeye)
Aesculus glabra (Buckeye)

Family: Sapindaceae
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range: Pennsylvania to Iowa, south to Alabama and Arkansas
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 20' - 40'
Attributes: Deciduous.  Palmate leaves with rounded crown.  Yellow fall foliage.  Greenish-yellow flowers to 12" long. 

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Agapetes malipoensis SEH 27016 (Agapetes)
Agapetes malipoensis SEH 27016 (Agapetes)

Family: Ericaceae
Zone:8 - 10
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: Part sun, dappled shade
Height: 4'
Bloom Time:  June to December, sporadically all year.
Attributes: Evergreen. Upright, arching branches.  Large, woody, potato like tuber.  Pendulous white flowers.
Notes:  A super cool, and easily grown Huckleberry relative from the high Himalayas,  growing as an epiphyte in large mossy trees among Rhododendrons, Vaccinium, Gaultheria, and an array of orchids and ferns.  Grown best in a pot or hanging basket in cooler climates but in protected gardens can be grown among other Ericaceous plants.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Agapetes serpens (Agapetes)
Agapetes serpens (Agapetes)

Family: Ericaceae
Zone:8 - 10
Natural Range:  Himalayas
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: Part sun, dappled shade
Height: 4'
Bloom Time:  June to December, sporadically all year.
Attributes: Evergreen. Upright, arching branches with narrow, dark green leaves.  Large, woody, potato like tuber.  Pendulous creamy flowers with a checkerboard of darker red highlights.
Notes:  A super cool, and easily grown Huckleberry relative from the high Himalayas,  growing as an epiphyte in large mossy trees among Rhododendrons, Vaccinium, Gaultheria, and an array of orchids and ferns.  Grown best in a pot or hanging basket in cooler climates but in protected gardens can be grown among other Ericaceous plants.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Agarista populifolia  (Coast Leucothoe, Fetterbush)
Agarista populifolia (Coast Leucothoe, Fetterbush)

Family:  Ericaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Southeastern United States
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich
Light: part shade
Height: 4' - 8'
Attracts:  Bees, butterflies and birds
Bloom Time:  June to August
Attributes:  Evergreen, glossy, simple, alternate leaves.  Graceful, arching stems.  White bell flowers.
Notes:  Great for texture in container plantings.  Previously known as Leucothoe populifolia. 
Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Alectrurus yedoensis var. platypetala syn. Comospermum
Alectrurus yedoensis var. platypetala syn. Comospermum Family: Asperagaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range:  Japan
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 12"
Attributes:  Deciduous, flat, foliage grass-like foliage.  Panicles of small white flowers with pinkish buds.
Notes: Rare Liliaceous perennial from the cliffs of Shikoku, Kyushu islands of Japan.  Foliage and flowers resemble Liriope and Ophiopogon.

Pot Size:  4" Pot


Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis' (Cutleaf Alder)
Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis' (Cutleaf Alder)

Family: Betulaceae
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range: Europe
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: part shade, sun
Height: 30-60 feet tall
Attributes: Deciduous.  Very unusual cut-leaf form.
Notes:  Single trunk or multi trunk specimen tree with soft feathery texture.    

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot 3' - 4'



Alnus maximowiczii (Montane Alder)
Alnus maximowiczii (Montane Alder)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone:  4 - 8
Natural Range:  Japan, Korea, E Asia
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  30’
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attracts:  NA
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous, Glossy toothed leaves with showy gray bark.  Monoecious flowers are formed March and April.
Notes: Rare in cultivation.

Pot size: 1 Gallon Pot



Alnus rubra f. pinnatisecta (Cutleaf Red Alder)
Alnus rubra f. pinnatisecta (Cutleaf Red Alder)

Family: Betulaceae
Zone: 5-9
Natural Range: PNW
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: part shade, sun
Height: 30-60 feet tall
Attributes: Deciduous.  Very unusual cut-leaf form.
Notes:  Found in 1938 by T.J. Starker of Oregon State College northwest of Portland, Oregon. 

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata (Sitka Alder)
Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata (Sitka Alder)

Family: Betulaceae
Zone: 2 - 9
Natural Range: Alaska to N. California & Rockies to WY
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 10'
Attributes: Deciduous.  Thicket forming shrub with horizontal branching.  Reddish-brown bark turning gray.  Oval, toothed leaves.  Long creamy yellow catkins.
Notes:  A smaller growing native Alnus that is good for wildlife.

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot



Amorphophallus konjac  (Devil's Tongue)
Amorphophallus konjac (Devil's Tongue)

Family: Araceae

Zone:  6 - 10
Natural Range:  China, Japan
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Part shade
Height:  4'
Bloom Time:  May
Attracts:  NA
Pest Resistance:  Deer
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Spotted stalk and divided leaf.  Giant dark purple-red vase-like flower before the foliage emerges. 
Notes: This species has been more winter wet tolerant than others.  In colder climates can be dug and stored in sawdust in the garage like you would Dahlia tubers.

Pot Size: Tuber



Anemone sylvestris 'Spring Beauty White'  (White Windflower)
Anemone sylvestris 'Spring Beauty White' (White Windflower) Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid:  PP#32200
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Sun
Bloom Time:  May
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Height:  12" - 18"
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Clumping.  Creamy white flowers spring through early summer. 
Notes:  Elegant and refined perennial.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Anemonopsis macrophylla
Anemonopsis macrophylla

Zone: 5 - 8
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade
Bloom Time:  April to May
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Deciduous, 2' tall.  Nodding pale purple flowers with darker purple highlights that hover over ferny foliage.  Summer blooming.  Clumping
Notes:  Elegant and refined perennial for a lightly shady garden.  Looks like a cross between Anemone and Cimicifuga.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Arachniodes sp. China (Hardy Fern)
Arachniodes sp. China (Hardy Fern)

Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Average humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 18"
Bloom Time:  NA
Attributes: Evergreen.  Pink-bronze new growth with long arching fronds.
Notes:  Attractive species that has performed well in the garden for many years.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Arbutus menziesii (Pacific Madrone)
Arbutus menziesii (Pacific Madrone)

Family:  Ericaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: PNW
Soil:  Average to dry, well drained
Light: Part shade-sun
Height: 15'- 30'
Attributes:  Evergreen, Bright red - orange bark, peels to reveal a green new layer.  White flowers in hanging cluster, orange - red fruit.
Notes:  Once established they resent root disturbance and do not take to transplantation.  Use as a specimen tree to show off its ornamental bark.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot  12" - 18"



Arisaema consanguineum (Jack-in-the-Pulpit)
Arisaema consanguineum (Jack-in-the-Pulpit)

Family:  Araceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade
Height: 2' - 3' tall
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Bloom Time:  April to June
Attributes: Deciduous.  Tall stalks with whorled, radial leaf with 12 leaflets with drip-tips.  Large pitcher-like green or carmine striped spathe.
Notes:  One of the easiest Arisaema species to grow.



Arisaema griffithii var. pradhanii  (Jack-in-the-Pulpit)
Arisaema griffithii var. pradhanii (Jack-in-the-Pulpit) Family:  Araceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Bhutan. India
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, Well drained
Light:  Part shade, Sun
Bloom Time:  May to June
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Deciduous, 1'-2' tall. Spathe is dark brown - carmine and purple, with white - greenish yellow, striping, resembling snake skin. Long brown whip like spadex.  Bloom time is around April - May. Large, glossy trifoliate leaves with thick veining.  These go dormant quickly after blooming.
Notes:  Arisaema griffithii var. pradhanii is an unusual species growing in Rhododendron forests, and alpine meadows at about 9,000 ft elevation. 


Arisaema speciosum (Jack-in-the-Pulpit)
Arisaema speciosum (Jack-in-the-Pulpit) Family:  Araceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern Himalayas. China. Bhutan. Northeast India
Soil: moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: part shade
Height: 12" -  24" tall
Bloom Time:  June to July
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous. Blooms spring to early summer.  Brown and white mottled pseudostem.  Carmine and white striped inflorescens.  Long whip like spadex. Large glossy trifoliate leaves with impressed veins on the upper side.
Notes:  Arisaema speciosum grows in cool forests that are subject to winter frost and snowfall.


Aruncus 'Fairy Hair' PP30242 (Dwarf Goatsbeard)
Aruncus 'Fairy Hair' PP30242 (Dwarf Goatsbeard)

Family:  Rosaceae
Zone: 3 - 8
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height:  24"
Bloom Time: April to June
Attracts:  Butterflies, Bees
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes: Deciduous.  Sprays of white flowers, low mounds very fine fern like foliage.
Notes: A new smaller growing Goatsbeard that works well with other woodland perennials.  

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Aruncus 'Sparkles' (Goat's Beard)
Aruncus 'Sparkles' (Goat's Beard)

Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: hybrid
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 16"
Attributes:  Deciduous. Tight foliage with short flower spikes of creamy white flowers.  Orange-red fall foliage.
Notes:  A low maintenance plant that works well with other lower growing shade perennials.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pots 



Aruncus dioicus var. acuminatus (Goatsbeard)
Aruncus dioicus var. acuminatus (Goatsbeard)

Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: PNW
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4' - 6'
Attributes:  Deciduous, male flowers and female flowers on separate plants.  Tall plumes of white flowers.  Ferny foliage.
Notes:  A low maintenance plant that looks nice as a backdrop in a perennial garden, or shady edge.  These seedlings are from a Silver Creek seed collection.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pots 



Aspidistra zongbayi DJHC836
Aspidistra zongbayi DJHC836 Family: Asperagaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range:  China
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 6" - 12"
Bloom Time:  June to July
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Glossy green leaves with round circles of yellow ringed with light green.  Strange brownish flowers at soil level.
Notes:  Heronswood collection from Sichuan in 1996.  Aspidistra zongbayi has proven to be well suited for the Pacific Northwest, forming a nice round clump.  This photo was taken after more than a week of temperatures into the low teens and with a low of 5 degrees F and the leaves show no signs of damage.

Pot Size:  4" Pot


Aster alpigenus (Alpine Aster)
Aster alpigenus (Alpine Aster) Family:Asteraceae
Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range: British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California
Soil: Average to moist
Light: Sun
Height: 12"
Bloom Time:  Mid Summer
Attributes: Deciduous.  Lance-shaped leaves to 6" long.  Flower stems to 12" tall with solitary purple flowers with yellow center.
Notes: Now known as Oreostemma alpigenus

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot


Astilbe 'Dark Side of the Moon' (Purple Leaf Astilbe)
Astilbe 'Dark Side of the Moon' (Purple Leaf Astilbe)

Family:  Saxifragaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid;  PP35461 CPBRAF
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich well drained
Light: Part shade
Height: 28"
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts:  Butterflies
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes: Deciduous, clumping.  Deep burgundy leaves with rosy purple flowers.
Notes: Great combo of dark leaves and dark flowers.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Astilbe chinensis 'Peuter Form'  (Chinese False Spiraea, False Goat's Beard)
Astilbe chinensis 'Peuter Form' (Chinese False Spiraea, False Goat's Beard)

Family:  Saxifragaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade to sun
Height: 6'
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Silver cast to the leaves.  Tall spikes of frilly pink flowers and blue pollen.
Notes:  Selected out of our collections.

Pot Size:  4"  Band Pot



Astrantia major 'Masterpiece' PPAF (Variegated Masterwort)
Astrantia major 'Masterpiece' PPAF (Variegated Masterwort) Family: Apiaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Europe
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich
Light:  Shade, part shade
Height:  12” – 24”
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Pronounced, long-lasting, pale pink flowers.  Green edged leaves with glowing chartreuse center.
Notes: So much detail to the flower on closer look.
Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Astrantia major 'Sparkling Stars White'  PBR  (Masterwort)
Astrantia major 'Sparkling Stars White' PBR (Masterwort)

Family: Apiaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Europe
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich
Light:  Shade, part shade
Height:  12” – 24”
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Pronounced, long-lasting, pink bracts.
Notes: So much detail to the flower on closer look.
Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Astrantia major 'Vanilla Gorilla'  (Variegated Masterwort)
Astrantia major 'Vanilla Gorilla' (Variegated Masterwort) Family: Apiaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Europe
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich
Light:  Shade, part shade
Height:  12” – 24”
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Pronounced, long-lasting, silvery pink flowers.  Creamy white deeply lobed leaves with blue-green and silvery edge.
Notes: So much detail to the flower on closer look.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Athyrium 'Ghost' (Ghost Lady Fern)
Athyrium 'Ghost' (Ghost Lady Fern) Family:  Athyriaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Dakotas east and south to Virginia, Greenland
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Shade, part shade
Height: 2' - 3'
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Elliptical blades with gray-white foliage and red stems.
Notes: Thought to be a hybrid of Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum'  Beautiful fern when especially when planted with a backdrop of other green frond ferns.
Pot Size:  4" Pot


Athyrium filix-femina subsp. angustum f rubellum 'Lady in Red' (Red Stem Lady Fern)
Athyrium filix-femina subsp. angustum f rubellum 'Lady in Red' (Red Stem Lady Fern) Family:  Athyriaceae
Zone: 2 - 9
Natural Range: Dakotas east and south to Virginia, Greenland
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Shade, part shade
Height: 2' - 3'
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Elliptical blades with lime green foliage and red stems.
Notes: This superior selection was discovered in Vermont by John Lynch.
Pot Size:  4" Pot


Aucuba chinensis  HWJ006 Male (Chinese Aucuba)
Aucuba chinensis HWJ006 Male (Chinese Aucuba)

Family: Garryaceae
Zone:7 - 10
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil:  Average
Light: Part shade to shade.
Height: 4'
Bloom Time:  Spring
Attributes: Evergreen.  Mat-green leaves with toothed edges.  Star shaped, dark purple-red flowers with yellow pollen.
Notes: Attractive small, open shrub from the cool forests of China. 

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Aucuba japonica 'Serratifolia' Female (Sawtoothed Japanese Aucuba)
Aucuba japonica 'Serratifolia' Female (Sawtoothed Japanese Aucuba)

Family: Garryaceae
Zone: 6 - 10
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:  Average
Light: Part shade
Height: 4'
Bloom Time:  Spring
Attributes: Evergreen.  Green leaves
Notes: An easily grown broad leaf evergreen shrub that is a great foundation plant.

Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot



Austroblechnum gayanum (Water Fern) syn. B. microphyllum
Austroblechnum gayanum (Water Fern) syn. B. microphyllum

Family:  Blechnaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Chili, Argentina
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade to Sun
Height: 6" - 10"
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen ground-cover of crowded fronds with taller fertile fronds.
Notes:  Grows like a larger scale version of Austroblechnum penna-marina.  Our stock plants were shared with us by fern aficionado Judith Jones of Fancy Fronds Nursery.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Berberis calliantha  (Black-Berried Barberry)
Berberis calliantha (Black-Berried Barberry)
Family:  Berberidaceae

Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Tibet
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4'
Attributes:  Evergreen.  1" yellow flowers.  Red stems with dark green, holly like foliage with contrasting white underside.  
Notes: A rare species from Tibet with  large flowers that are much bigger than other Berberis species.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Berberis insignis (Himalayan Barberry)
Berberis insignis (Himalayan Barberry)
Family:  Berberidaceae

Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4' - 8'
Bloom Time: 
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Yellow flowers from 15-25 clusterd at one joint.  Black fruit.  Long, lanceolae leaves to 5" long with short spiny margins. 
Notes: One of the finest Berberis for foliage.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Berberis kawakamii var. formosana
Berberis kawakamii var. formosana

Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Taiwan
Soil:  Average, humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4' - 6'
Attributes:  Evergreen, yellow flowers in summer, blue fruit in fall.  powdery white underneath the immature foliage.  Dark green whorled foliage on mature plants.
Notes:  Berberis Kawakamii is a hardy and substantial species with thick dark green and glossy leaves.  When in flower the branches are clad in numerous bright yellow flowers.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Berberis wilsoniae 'Dwarf Form' (Wilson's Barberry)
Berberis wilsoniae 'Dwarf Form' (Wilson's Barberry) Family: Berberidaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range:  China
Soil:  Average
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 2'
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  Bees, Birds, Butterflies
Pest Resistance:  Deer
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Blue-green leaves. Small yellow flowers.  Translucent reddish-pink fruit.
Notes: Most noted for its abundant berries in fall.  Berberis wilsoniae often flowers sporadically through the summer and fall even when there are berries at the same time.
Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Bergenia ciliata 'Dumbo' (Elephant Eared Saxifrage)
Bergenia ciliata 'Dumbo' (Elephant Eared Saxifrage)

Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 12'
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Large fuzzy, oval leaves.  Pink flowers held above the leaves. 
Notes:  Leaves can reach more than 12" long.

Pot Size:  Quart Size Pot

Great Plant Picks



Berginia purpurascens ZHNP 148 (Elephant Eared Saxifrage)
Berginia purpurascens ZHNP 148 (Elephant Eared Saxifrage)

Zone: 6-9
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 12'
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Large succulent foliage with tall spikes of purple flowers.  Foliage will turn red and purple if planted in more sun.
Notes:  Found growing at 3700m, growing in mas along streams and moist ponds as the dominant perennial.  Growing underneath Rhododendrons and Abies.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Betula apoiensis (Dwarf Japanese Birch)
Betula apoiensis (Dwarf Japanese Birch)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 3'
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Small species with multiple leaders creating a rounded shrub.
Notes:  An endangered endemic dwarf Birch to Mount Apoi in Hokkaido Japan.  Natural hybrid originating from Betula ermanii and Betula ovalifolia
Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Betula nigra 'Heritage'  (River Birch)
Betula nigra 'Heritage' (River Birch)

Family: Betulaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Missouri
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 30 - 60 feet tall
Pest Resistance:  Deer
Attributes: Deciduous.  Fast-growing muti-trunked tree or single trunk tree with Salmon-pink to reddish brown exfoliating bark.  Yellow fall foliage.
Notes:  This Adaptable and heat tolerant birch was introduced by Early Cully.

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot



Betula papyrifera  (Paper Birch)
Betula papyrifera (Paper Birch)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone:  2 - 9
Natural Range:  North America; Western Washington Source
Soil:  Average, moist, humus rich
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  20' - 40'
Bloom Time:  March to April
Attracts:  NA
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous.  White bark, exfoliating in papery strips with orange-brown inner bark.  Yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Best in northern and western climates.

Pot size: Medium Band Pot



Betula utilis 'Edinburgh'  (Himalayan Birch)
Betula utilis 'Edinburgh' (Himalayan Birch)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone:  4 - 9
Natural Range:  Betula utilis x Betula albosinensis var. septentrionalis
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  25' - 50'
Bloom Time:  Spring
Attracts:  NA
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Attractive white and pink bark.  Yellow fall foliage  
Notes: Originally found growing in Edinburgh Botanical Garden.

Pot size: Small Band Pot



Blechnum aff appendiculatum BK14512.4 (Hammock Fern)
Blechnum aff appendiculatum BK14512.4 (Hammock Fern)

Family:  Blechnaceae
Zone: 8 - 10
Natural Range: South America
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 8"
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen, semi-evergreen, Orange-red new growth.  Leathery fronds.
Notes: Nice low growing fern that forms a spreading clump.  Collected by Ben Kamm.   Found growing on Rocky slopes in Peru, 9600' elevation.

Pot Size:  4" Pot



Blechnum appendiculatum  (Hammock Fern)
Blechnum appendiculatum (Hammock Fern)

Family:  Blechnaceae
Zone: 8 - 10
Natural Range: South America
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 8"
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen, semi-evergreen, Orange-red new growth.  Leathery fronds.
Notes: Nice low growing fern that forms a spreading clump.

Pot Size:  4" Pot



Bletilla ochracea 'Terracotta Princess' (Chinese Ground Orchid)
Bletilla ochracea 'Terracotta Princess' (Chinese Ground Orchid)

Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Part shade, sun
Height:  12"- 18"
Bloom Time:  July to August
Attributes:  Deciduous, White blushed pink flowers with bright yellow throat.  Darker pinkish terracotta pink buds and back of petals.
Notes:  First release of this KIGN Introduction.  Like other Bletilla ochracea they start to flower a bit later than B. striata.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot full



Bletilla ochracea 'Terracotta Warrior' (Chinese Ground Orchid)
Bletilla ochracea 'Terracotta Warrior' (Chinese Ground Orchid)
Family:  Orchidaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range:  Hybrid
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Sun, Part sun
Height:  12" - 18"
Bloom Time:  July to August
Attracts:  Hummingbirds, Butterflies
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Creamy pinkish-yellow flowers with red lip ringed in darker yellow.  Deeper reddish-pink back of petals.  Strap like foliage.
Notes: First release of this KIGN Introduction.  Like other Bletilla ochracea they start to flower a bit later than B. striata.
Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Callistemon 'Woodlander's Red' (Woodlander's Hardy Red)
Callistemon 'Woodlander's Red' (Woodlander's Hardy Red)

Family: Proteaceae
Zone:7 - 10
Natural Range: Australia
Soil:  Average
Light: Sun
Height: 3' - 5'
Bloom Time:  June
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Evergreen.  Red bottlebrush flowers.  Small, narrow deep green leaves, bright gray stems.
Notes: Protect from winter wind.

Pot Size:  Quart Size Pot



Callistemon viridiflorus (Hardy Callistemon)
Callistemon viridiflorus (Hardy Callistemon)

Family: Proteaceae
Zone:7 - 10
Natural Range: Australia
Soil:  Average
Light: Sun
Height: 6'
Bloom Time:  June
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Evergreen.  Green bottlebrush flowers.  Small, narrow deep green leaves, bright gray stems.
Notes: Protect from winter wind.

Pot Size:  Quart Size Pot



Callitropsis nootkatensis  (Alaskan Yellow Cedar)
Callitropsis nootkatensis (Alaskan Yellow Cedar)

Family:  Cupressaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Alaska south through BC, WA, OR, northern California
Soil:  Average
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  30' - 50'
Bloom Time:  NA
Attracts:  NA
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes: Evergreen.  Yellow-green needles with feathery, drooping habit.
Notes:  This collection was made in Washington State cascade range.
Pot size:  1 Gallon Pot



Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold)
Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold)

Family:  Ranunculaceae
Zone: 3 - 8
Natural Range: Northern temperate regions
Soil: Moist to wet
Light: Sun to Part sun
Height: 18"
Bloom Time: April to June
Attributes: Deciduous.  Round leaves up to 7" across.  Deep yellow flowers to 2" across.
Notes:  Best with some shade in the hottest part of the summer.  Especially showy when mass planted in part shade where the leaves realy show off in summer.

Pot Size: 4" Band Pot



Calycanthus occidentalis (Spice Bush)
Calycanthus occidentalis (Spice Bush)

Family: Calycanthaceae
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range:   Central and Northern California
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 5' - 10'
Bloom Time:  April to September
Attributes: Deciduous, Red fragrant flowers spring and summer.  Yellow fall color.
Notes:  Likes plenty of light but protect from the hottest part of the day.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Calycanthus x raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine'   (Hybrid Spice Bush)
Calycanthus x raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine' (Hybrid Spice Bush) Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid; C. chinensis x floridus
Soil:  Average, moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-sun
Height: 8' - 10'
Bloom Time:April to June, sporadically all season
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Deciduous, Large raspberry to wine red Magnolia like flowers
Notes:  Named after student Richard Hartlage who crossed Sinocalycanthus chinensi with Calycanthus floridus in 1991 at the JC Raulston Arboretum at North Carolina State University.
Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot


Camellia oleifera (species Camellia)
Camellia oleifera (species Camellia)

Family: Theaceae
Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range:China
Soil:  Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 20'
Bloom Time:  October to January
Attributes: Evergreen.  Single, fragrant white flowers.
Notes:  Similar in look to Camellia sasanqua.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Camellia sinensis var. sinensis Taiwan (species Camellia)
Camellia sinensis var. sinensis Taiwan (species Camellia)

Family: Theaceae
Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range:China
Soil:  Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 8'
Bloom Time:  February to March
Attributes: Evergreen.  Numerous small white flowers.  Slow growing.
Notes:  Slightly scented flowers.  This selection was originally from Taiwan

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Camellia taliensis (species Camellia)
Camellia taliensis (species Camellia)

Family: Theaceae
Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range:China;  Yunnan province
Soil:  Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 6' - 26'
Bloom Time:  February to March
Attributes: Evergreen.  White flowers .Broad leaves.
Notes:  Cultivated for tea on farms.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Cardamine macrophylla  (Toothwort)
Cardamine macrophylla (Toothwort)

Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range:  Himalayas
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light:  Part shade
Height:  2' - 3'
Bloom Time:  April to June
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Slow spreading perennial with lilac-purple flowers and pinnate foliage
Notes:  A stunning spring blooming perennial for the lightly shaded garden.

Pot Size:  4" Pot



Cardamine quinquefolia (Black Sea Toothwort)
Cardamine quinquefolia (Black Sea Toothwort)

Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range:  Europe
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light:  Part shade
Height:  10"
Attributes:  Deciduous,  Very early spring blooms purple flowers.  Spreading groundcover.
Notes:  A stunning early blooming perennial for the lightly shaded garden.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Cardamine trifolia   (Evergreen Cardamine)
Cardamine trifolia (Evergreen Cardamine)

Zone: 5-9
Natural Range:  Europe
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light:  Part shade
Height:  10"
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Glossy trifoliate leaves with white flowers held above the foliage late winter, early spring.
Notes:  Slowly spreading ground-cover.

Post Size:  4" Band Pot



Cardiocrinum giganteum   (Giant Himalayan Lily aka. Queen of the Garden)
Cardiocrinum giganteum (Giant Himalayan Lily aka. Queen of the Garden)

Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light:  Part shade
Attributes:  Deciduous, 6' 10' tall. Large glossy Hosta like foliage emerges early in the spring in a rosette.  Large fragrant white and purplish red trumpet flowers in late spring, early summer.  Interesting seed pods in fall and winter.
Notes:  Bulb forms offsets, and many seeds, that if unharvested will germinate randomly throughout a garden.  The key is to plant bulbs so the top inch is above the soil.

Pot Size: Large Band Pot



Carpinus betulus  (Hornbeam)
Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Europe, Asia
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 15' - 30'
Attributes: Deciduous. Medium-sized tree.  Deeply veined leaves.  Attractive pendulous flower bracts resembling hops.  Smooth gray bark.  Yellow to orange fall color.
Notes: Easy grown tree with good texture.

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot



Carpinus cordata  (Heartleaf Hornbeam)
Carpinus cordata (Heartleaf Hornbeam)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Japan, China, Korea 
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 10' - 25'
Attributes: Deciduous. Red-bronze new growth , deeply pleated leaves.  Attractive pendulous flowers resembling hops.  Good yellow fall color.
Notes: A stunning textural plant.

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot



Carpinus coreana 'Model Rocket'  (Korean Hornbeam)
Carpinus coreana 'Model Rocket' (Korean Hornbeam)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Korea
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light:part shade, sun
Height: 20'
Attributes: Deciduous. Fine branching with serrated, deeply veined foliage.  Good yellow fall color.
Notes: This form was selected for its narrow, columnar growth.  Makes a great small specimen tree.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pot 2' - 3'



Carpinus japonica  (Japanese Hornbeam)
Carpinus japonica (Japanese Hornbeam)

Family: Betulaceae
Zone:4 - 9
Natural Range:Japan
Soil:  Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 20'
Bloom Time:  April
Attributes: Deciduous.  Multi-stemmed shrub with a rounded form.  Double-toothed, oblong-lanceolate foliage tapering at the tip.  Green hop-like flowers and fruit.
Notes:  An attractively shaped and graceful, low-maintenance under-story tree for shady gardens.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot 2' - 3'



Carpinus kawakamii (Taiwan Hornbeam)
Carpinus kawakamii (Taiwan Hornbeam)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: China, Taiwan
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 10' - 25'
Attributes: Deciduous. Slender leaves with distinct veins.  Bronze new growth.  Hop-like flower bracts.  Gray bark, brown branchlets. 
Notes: A stunning textural plant.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Carpinus laxiflora  (Loose-flower Hornbeam)
Carpinus laxiflora (Loose-flower Hornbeam)

Family:  Betulaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Japan, Korea 
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 10' - 25'
Attributes: Deciduous. Red-bronze new growth, deeply pleated leaves.  Attractive pendulous flowers resembling hops.  Yellow and red fall foliage.  Grey to silvery bark.
Notes: A good textural plant.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Carya illinoinensis (Hardy Pecan)
Carya illinoinensis (Hardy Pecan)

Family:  Juglandaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Iowa, Indiana south to Texas and Mexico
Soil:  Average, moist well drained
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  50' - 100'
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attracts:  Wildlife
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes: Deciduous.  Straight trunk, rounded crown.  Compound pinnate leaves.  Attractive yellow fall foliage.
Notes:  Tall shade tree that produces edible nuts that are eaten people and also by numerous wild animals.  For best nut production several plants should be planted for pollination.

Pot size: 1 Gallon Pot



Carya tomentosa Tenesee (Mockernut Hickory)
Carya tomentosa Tenesee (Mockernut Hickory)

Family:  Juglandaceae
Zone:  4 - 9
Natural Range:  Eastern and central United States
Soil:  Average, moist well drained
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  40' - 80'
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attracts:  Wildlife
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes: Deciduous.  Straight trunk, rounded crown.  Compound pinnate leaves.  Attractive yellow fall foliage.
Notes:  Tall shade tree that produces nuts that are eaten by numerous wild animals.

Pot size: 1 Gallon Pot



Cassiope mertensiana (White Heather)
Cassiope mertensiana (White Heather)

Family:  Ericaceae
Zone:  3 - 8
Natural Range:  AK, WA, OR, CA, MT, ID ; AB, BC, YT
Soil:  Humus rich
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  6" - 12"
Bloom Time:  June to July
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Slow growing mounding shrub with foliage resembling spike moss or even conifers.  White bell flowers on reddish stalks and sepals.
Notes:Does best in cool soils that are damp, humus rich and sharp/gritty.  Our collection is from Washing Cascade Range.
Pot size:  Small Band Pot



Catalpa x erubescens 'Purpurea' (Purple Leaf Catalpa)
Catalpa x erubescens 'Purpurea' (Purple Leaf Catalpa)

Family: Bignoniaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range:Hybrid
Soil:  Average
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 20'
Attracts:  Bees, hummingbirds
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous.  Huge, purple heart shaped leaves turning greener as the season progresses.  White flowers.
Notes:  Fast growing as a young tree, slowing with age.  Easy to grow tree that is tolerant of many soil types.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot 3'



Cephalanthus occidentalis 'Sugar Shack'  USPP26,543:CBR5124  (Dwarf Buttonbush)
Cephalanthus occidentalis 'Sugar Shack' USPP26,543:CBR5124 (Dwarf Buttonbush)

Family:  Rubiaceae
Zone: 4 - 10
Natural Range: North America
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: sun, part shade
Height: 5'
Attributes: Deciduous.  Large fragrant, round blossoms with red fruit.  Glossy foliage.
Notes:  This is a smaller growing selection.

Pot size:  4" Band Pot



Chelone Lyonii 'Tiny Tortuga' (Turtlehead)
Chelone Lyonii 'Tiny Tortuga' (Turtlehead)

Family: Plantaginaceae
Zone:  4 - 9
Natural Range:  Appalachian Mountains
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich
Light:  Sun, part shade
Height:  2'
Bloom Time:  July to September
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  Deer
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Upright, clump-forming perennial with pink flowers.  Glossy ovate leaves to just over three inches long and two inches wide.
Notes: Blossoms resemble snapdragon flowers. Appreciates organically rich compost.  Native to moist woodlands and streams. 

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Chinoanthus retusus (Chinese Fringe Tree)
Chinoanthus retusus (Chinese Fringe Tree)

Family:  Oleaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil:  Average, moist, humus rich
Light: sun, part shade
Height: 20'
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Fragrant white flowers.  Large multi-trunked or single trunk tree.  Yellow fall foliage.
Notes:  Profuse spring blooms.

Pot size:  1 Gallon Pot



Chrysosplenium macrophyllum  (Giant Golden Saxifrage)
Chrysosplenium macrophyllum (Giant Golden Saxifrage)

Family: Saxifragaceae
Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range:  China
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light:  Shade
Height:  10"
Bloom Time:  March to April
Attributes:  Succulent, bronze-pink new growth.  Whitish-pink flowers in late winter to early spring.
Notes: Great ground-cover for moist shade.

Pot Size:  4" Pot



Cimicifuga japonica 'Silver Dance' (Silver Dance Bugbane)
Cimicifuga japonica 'Silver Dance' (Silver Dance Bugbane)

Family:  Ranunculaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range:  South Korea; Chejudo Island
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Part sun
Height:  30"
Bloom Time:  August to September
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Deciduous. Clumping. Glossy silver leaves.  Tall spikes of white flowers
Notes:  Great smaller scale Cimicifuga for both foliage and flower.  syn. Actaea japonica

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Cimicifuga racemosa  (Black Snakeroot)
Cimicifuga racemosa (Black Snakeroot)

Family:  Ranunculaceae
Zone:4 - 9
Natural Range:  North America
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  4' - 6'
Bloom Time:  June to August
Attracts:  Butterflies
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Bright green foliage.  Tall spikes of fragrant white flowers.
Notes: Vertical accent in the shady garden.
Pot size:  4" Band Pot



Clematis othophora DJHS8160 (Species Clematis)
Clematis othophora DJHS8160 (Species Clematis)

Family:  Ranunculaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 8' - 10'
Bloom Time: July to October
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous to evergreen.  Bright yellow bell flowers.
Notes: Attractive green foliage that does not overpower the flowers.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Clematis x durandii Integrifolia Group (Bush Clematis)
Clematis x durandii Integrifolia Group (Bush Clematis)

Family:  Ranunculaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 4'
Bloom Time: May to July
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous, Four petaled indigo-violet nodding flowers.  Scrambling habit with flowers held above the foliage.

Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 3' tall

Great Plant Picks



Clethra alnifolia 'Vanilla Spice' (Summersweet)
Clethra alnifolia 'Vanilla Spice' (Summersweet)

Family: Ericaceae
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range: USPP 21,589; CBR 4167
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 3' - 6'
Bloom Time:  July to August
Attributes: Deciduous. White flowers.  Yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Individual florests are roughly double the size of other varieties.

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot



Clethra barbinervis 'Takaeda Nishiki'  (Variegated Summersweet)
Clethra barbinervis 'Takaeda Nishiki' (Variegated Summersweet)

Family: Ericaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 5' - 10'
Bloom Time:  July to August
Attributes: Deciduous shrub with upright, layered branching and pink, green and white variegated foliage.  Pendulous clusters of lightly fragrant white flowers in summer. 
Notes: Originally found by Takeda Hisayoshia and his son on Shikoku Island Japan.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Colchicum corsicum (Autumn Crocuse)
Colchicum corsicum (Autumn Crocuse)

Family: Colchicaceae
Zone:7 - 9
Natural Range: Corsica
Soil:  Average
Light: Sun
Height: 6"
Bloom Time:  September
Pest Resistance:  Deer
Attributes: Deciduous.  Summer dormant.  Grass like foliage.  Pink upward facing. flowers.
Notes:  Smaller stature compared to other species.  Quite rare in the wild and cultivation.

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot



Comptonia peregrina (Sweet Fern)
Comptonia peregrina (Sweet Fern)

Family: Myricaceae
Zone:2 - 9
Natural Range:   Eastern North America
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 2' - 5'
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attributes: Deciduous shrub with simple, narrow, deeply notched light green to dark olive green leaves to about 4" long.  Yellowish green flowers, burr-like fruit.  Aromatic foliage.
Notes:  Adaptable to a range of soil conditions and can be quite drought tolerant once established.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Cornus alternifolia 'Argentia'  (Variegated Pagoda Dogwood)
Cornus alternifolia 'Argentia' (Variegated Pagoda Dogwood)

Family: Cornaceae
Zone: 3 - 9 
Natural Range: Eastern North America
Soil: Average to moist
Light: Part shade
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  Birds, Butterflies
Attributes: 15' tall.  Small deciduous tree or large multi-stemmed shrub with distinctive tiered and layered horizontal branches.  Fragrant white flowers.  This form has green and white variegation
Notes: One of the most attractive deciduous trees for the woodland garden.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot

Great Plant Picks



Cornus canadensis (Creeping Dogwood, Bunchberry)
Cornus canadensis (Creeping Dogwood, Bunchberry)

Family: Cornaceae
Zone:2 - 8
Natural Range:North America
Soil:  Moist humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 4" - 8"
Bloom Time:  May to July
Attributes: Semi-evergreen.  Elliptic, glossy green leaves to 2" long formed in a false whorl at the top of a stem.  Flowers are surrounded with white bracts.  Clusters of red berries in late summer.
Notes:  Extremely attractive ground-cover once established.  Needs to be planted in the same type of soil as Rhododendrons and other Ericaceous plants.

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot



Cornus capitata 'Mountain Moon' COPF (Himalayan Dogwood)
Cornus capitata 'Mountain Moon' COPF (Himalayan Dogwood)

Family: Cornaceae
Zone:7 - 10
Natural Range: Bhutan
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: Part sun
Height: 15' - 20'
Bloom Time:  Early Summer
Attributes: Evergreen with thick, glossy, bright green leaves to 3".  Creamy white bracts surround a center of yellowish-green flowers.
Notes:  First introduced in the 1990s.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Cornus controversa (Giant Dogwood)
Cornus controversa (Giant Dogwood)

Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 30'
Pest Resistance: NA
Bloom Time: May to June
Attributes:Deciduous tree with distinctive horizontal branching in tiers.  Cornus controversa along with Cornus alternifolia are the only two dogwoods that feature alternate leaves. Small white flowers in flattened clusters.
Notes:Great layered branching and red stems.

Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 3' - 4'



Cornus kousa 'China Curl' (Dogwood)
Cornus kousa 'China Curl' (Dogwood)

Family: Cornaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range:Hybrid
Soil:  Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: NA
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous.  Small, narrow wavy leaves.  Dense and twiggy dwarf habit.  Small white flowers.
Notes:  Unusual textured effect.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Cornus kousa 'White Dusted' (Dogwood)
Cornus kousa 'White Dusted' (Dogwood)

Family: Cornaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range:Hybrid
Soil:  Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: NA
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous.  Small leaves speckled with dark green and light green with cream and white.  Small white flowers
Notes:  Nice new selection

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Aiden's Mint Frost' (Variegated Weeping Dogwood)
Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Aiden's Mint Frost' (Variegated Weeping Dogwood) Family:  Cornaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Hybrid
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light:  Part sun, sun
Height:  10’
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attracts:  Butterflies
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous. Silvery-white and green leaves turning to a lime green in summer.  Pink fall foliage.  White flower bracts.
Notes:  New variegated variety that was selected and introduced by Gary Handy.
Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot


Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Girards Nana' (Dwarf Chinese Dogwood)
Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Girards Nana' (Dwarf Chinese Dogwood) Family:  Cornaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Hybrid
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light:  Part sun, sun
Height:  8'
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  Butterflies
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous. Numerous 4" across flower bracts even as a young tree.  Red to purple fall foliage. 
Notes:  Smaller growing selection that was introduced by Pete Girard of Girard's Nursery.
Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot


Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Pams Mountain Bouquet' PP25575 (Chinese Dogwood)
Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Pams Mountain Bouquet' PP25575 (Chinese Dogwood) Family:  Cornaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Hybrid;  PP25575
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light:  Part sun, sun
Height:  8' - 12'
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  Butterflies
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous. Numerous white flower bracts with the majority fused rather than individual.  Red to purple fall foliage. 
Notes:  Unusual selection with flowers that resemble saucers.
Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot


Cornus kousa var. chinensis (Chinese Dogwood)
Cornus kousa var. chinensis (Chinese Dogwood)

Family: Cornaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range:China
Soil:  Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 15'
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous  Pure white flowers.  Bright orange-red fall foliage.  Round, red fruit late summer-fall.
Notes: Stunning tree for the lightly shaded garden.  Seed grown!

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot  18" - 24" tall



Cornus wilsoniana (Wilson's Dogwood)
Cornus wilsoniana (Wilson's Dogwood)

Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 16' - 40'
Pest Resistance: NA
Bloom Time: May to June
Attributes:Semi-evergreen shrub or small tree. Opposite, elliptic leaves to 4" long.  Small white flowers in flattened clusters.  Purplish-black fruit.  Showy, flaking bark.
Notes:The bark is the best feature of this tree.

Pot Size: Small Band Pot



Corokia catoneaster  (Wire Netting Bush)
Corokia catoneaster (Wire Netting Bush)

Family:  Argophyllaceae
Zone:  7 - 9
Natural Range:  New Zealand
Soil:  Average
Light:  Sun
Height:  5'
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  NA
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Yellow flowers.  Red-orange berries.  Small gray leaves and zigzagging stems.
Notes:This unusual shrub evolved this way as a defense against the now extinct Moa birds.
Pot size:  Medium Band Pot



Corylopsis gotoana (Winterhazel)
Corylopsis gotoana (Winterhazel)

Family:  Hamamelidaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 8' - 12'
Bloom Time: March to April
Attributes: Deciduous, shrub.  Bright greenish-yellow flowers early spring.  Large rounded leaves that turn shades of yellow in fall.. 
Notes:  Corylopsis gotoana has obovate leaves with short-awned teeth and smaller flowers than C. glabrescens, but are about the same length as the petals.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pots



Corylopsis willmotia 'Spring Purple' (Chinese Winter Hazel) syn. Corylopsis sinensis
Corylopsis willmotia 'Spring Purple' (Chinese Winter Hazel) syn. Corylopsis sinensis

Family: Hamamelidaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 10' - 12'
Bloom Time: March to April
Attributes: Deciduous, shrub.  Bright creamy white flowers late winter, early spring.  New growth is deep purple.
Notes: Originally came from Hilliers Gardens.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Cypripedium 'Eurasia' (Lady's Slipper Orchid)
Cypripedium 'Eurasia' (Lady's Slipper Orchid)

Zone: 3 - 8
Natural Range: Garden hybrid; macranthos x tibeticum
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade
Attributes:  Deciduous, 12” - 18" tall.  Blooms in spring. Mulberry-violet flowers with white highlights.
Notes: Great flowers!

Flowering size plants

Cypripedium will be shipped in the fall starting late October.   Spring shipping can be arranged when requested.



Cypripedium 'Gabriela'  (Hardy Orchid)
Cypripedium 'Gabriela' (Hardy Orchid)

Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:4 - 8
Natural Range: Hybrid;  kentuckiense x fasciolatum
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 16"
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping.  Large,creamy white pouch and brown and yellow mottled petals.

Flowering size plants

Cypripedium will be shipped in the fall starting late October.   Spring shipping can be arranged when requested.



Cypripedium 'John Haggar'  (Lady's Slipper Orchid)
Cypripedium 'John Haggar' (Lady's Slipper Orchid)

Zone: 5 - 8
Natural Range: Hybrid;  Cyp. hotei-atsumorianum x macranthos
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade
Attributes:  Deciduous, 12” - 18" tall.  Blooms in spring.  Deep purple-magenta flowers

Flowering size plants

Cypripedium will be shipped in the fall starting late October.   Spring shipping can be arranged when requested.



Cypripedium 'Lucy Pinkepank' (Hardy Orchid)
Cypripedium 'Lucy Pinkepank' (Hardy Orchid)

Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:4 - 8
Natural Range: Hybrid; 
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 16"
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping.

Flowering size plants

Cypripedium will be shipped in the fall starting late October.   Spring shipping can be arranged when requested.



Cypripedium 'Philipp'  (Hardy Orchid)
Cypripedium 'Philipp' (Hardy Orchid)

Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:5 - 8
Natural Range: Hybrid;  Cypripedium kentuckiense x Cyp. macranthos
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 24"
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping.  Large white and light burgundy mottled pouch and deep burgundy sepals.

Flowering size plants

Cypripedium will be shipped in the fall starting late October.   Spring shipping can be arranged when requested.



Cyrtomium caryotideum (Holly Fern)
Cyrtomium caryotideum (Holly Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade to shade
Height: 24"
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen, Dull green fronds with 3 to 6 pairs of stiff pinnae
Notes: A unique looking fern for the temperate garden.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Cyrtomium falcatum 'Maritimum' (Holly Fern)
Cyrtomium falcatum 'Maritimum' (Holly Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade to shade
Height: 1' - 2'
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen, glossy green leaves with 5 - 18 pairs of pinnae.
Notes: A unique looking fern for the temperate garden.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Cyrtomium falcatum 'Rochfordianum'' (Holly Fern)
Cyrtomium falcatum 'Rochfordianum'' (Holly Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade to shade
Height: 1' - 2'
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen, glossy green leaves with 5 - 18 pairs of fingered pinnae.
Notes: A unique looking fern for the temperate garden.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Cyrtomium fortunei (Holly Fern)
Cyrtomium fortunei (Holly Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade to shade
Height: 24"
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen, Dull green fronds with 12-26 pairs of stiff pinnae
Notes: A unique looking fern for the temperate garden.

Pot Size:  4" Pot



Dactylorhiza elata (Marsh Orchid)
Dactylorhiza elata (Marsh Orchid)

Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:4 - 8
Natural Range: Europe
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 18" - 24" tall
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping.  Blooms in spring and summer.  Purple flowers with darker markings.  Many flowers in a dense spike.  Green foliage.
Notes: Dactylorhiza are among the most rewarding and care free orchids both for the orchid collector and the gardener.  They will multiply fast when kept moist and not too shady.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pot



Dactylorhiza foliosa Hybrids (Marsh Orchid)
Dactylorhiza foliosa Hybrids (Marsh Orchid)

Zone: 4 - 8
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Attributes:  Deciduous, 12” - 18" tall.  Blooms in spring. Purple flowers in a dense spike.  Large thick green leaves.
Notes:  Dactylorhiza are among the most rewarding and care free orchids both for the orchid collector and the gardener. They will multiply fast when kept moist and not too shady.  Once a plant has settled in it is one of the few that readily self sow seed easily.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pot



Dactylorhiza majalis Hybrids (Marsh Orchid)
Dactylorhiza majalis Hybrids (Marsh Orchid)

Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:4 - 8
Natural Range: Europe
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 18" - 24" tall
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping.  Blooms in spring and summer.  Red-Purple flowers with darker markings.  Flowers in a dense spike.  Green foliage spotted with purple.
Notes: Dactylorhiza are among the most rewarding and care free orchids both for the orchid collector and the gardener.  They will multiply fast when kept moist and not too shady.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pot



Dendropanax dentiger DJH99162
Dendropanax dentiger DJH99162

Family:  Araliaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun, shade
Height: 10'
Bloom Time: September to November
Attributes: Evergreen.  Small, upright shrub with spreading canopy.  One to three lobed leaves.  Small greenish flowers.
Notes:  Slower growing and more delicate than other related kin.

Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot



Deutzia gracilis 'Chardonnay Pearls' (Chinese Snow Flower)
Deutzia gracilis 'Chardonnay Pearls' (Chinese Snow Flower) Family:  Hydrangeaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid;  D. gracilis 'Duncan' USPP 16,098; CBR 2640
Soil:  Average-moist, humus rich
Light: sun, part sun
Height: 3'
Bloom Tim:  May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Bushy, multi-stemmed, upright-rounded.  Abundant pearl-like buds opening into white flowers.  Bright yellow foliage through frost.
Notes:  Great foliage.

Pot Size: Large Band Pot



Dichroa versicolor (Chinese Quinine)
Dichroa versicolor (Chinese Quinine)

Family: Hydrangeaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Soil: moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: part shade,
Height: 2' - 4'  tall
Attributes: Semi - evergreen. Pink flowers.
Notes:  A bit larger growing than D. febrifuga.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Diervilla rivularis 'Kodiak Black'   (Black Leaf Mountain Bush Honeysuckle)
Diervilla rivularis 'Kodiak Black' (Black Leaf Mountain Bush Honeysuckle) Family:  Caprifoliaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Southeastern United States;  'SMNDRSF' PP#27550 CBRAF
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 3' - 6'
Attracts: Bees
Bloom Time:  July to August
Attributes: Deciduous.  Compact shrub with dark chocolate-purple foliage turning olive green later in the season.  Yellow honeysuckle-like flowers. 
Notes:  Especially intense foliage in fall and spring.

Pot size:  Medium Band Pot

$15.00 $21.00


Diervilla rivularis 'Kodiak Fresh' PP34,138; CBRAF  (Mountain Bush Honeysuckle)
Diervilla rivularis 'Kodiak Fresh' PP34,138; CBRAF (Mountain Bush Honeysuckle) Family:  Caprifoliaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Southeastern United States;  'SMNDSS' PP34,138 CBRAF
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 3'
Attracts: Bees
Bloom Time:  July to August
Attributes: Deciduous.  Compact shrub with Orange and red new growth turning chartreuse-yellow.  Yellow honeysuckle-like flowers. 
Notes:  Especially intense foliage in fall and spring.

Pot size:  4" Band Pot



Diphylleia grayi (Umbrella Leaf)
Diphylleia grayi (Umbrella Leaf)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 4 - 8
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 2"
Attributes:  Deciduous, White flowers in spring, blue fruit when pollinated in fall.  Large lobed leaves.
Notes:  Very closely related to Podophyllum.

Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot



Disporopsis pernyi 'Sichuan Jade'  (Sichuan Jade Disporopsis)
Disporopsis pernyi 'Sichuan Jade' (Sichuan Jade Disporopsis)

Family:  Asparagaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun to shade
Height:  12"
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Dark green, glossy foliage on arching stems.  Small greenish to brown spotted flowers.  Purple fruit if pollinated.
Notes:  A great little ground-cover that is best for its interesting foliage that resembles Bamboo.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Disporopsis sp. nov DJHC98504  (Evergreen Solomon's Seal)
Disporopsis sp. nov DJHC98504 (Evergreen Solomon's Seal) Family: Aparagaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade, shade
Height: 18" - 22"
Bloom Time: June to July
Attributes:  Evergreen. Blooms in  early summer.  Glossy foliage resembling Polygonatum. Flowers range from white and green to dark brown spotted hang beneath the foliage along the stalk. Spreading rhizome.  Purple fruit.
Notes: A relatively newly introduced genus.  

Pot Size: 4" Band Pot



Disporum smilacinum 'Ki no Tsukasa'  (Gold Edge Fairy Bells)
Disporum smilacinum 'Ki no Tsukasa' (Gold Edge Fairy Bells)

Family:  Colchicaceae
Zone:  4 - 9
Natural Range:  Japan
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Part sun, shade
Height:  8" 
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Dark green leaves with yellow variegated tips.  White star shaped flowers.  Clumping perennial
Notes: Another attractive variegated form of Disporum smilacinum from Japan

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Dodecatheon meadia  (Shootingstar)
Dodecatheon meadia (Shootingstar) Family:  Primulaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern and Central North America
Soil:  Average, moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun, shade
Height:  18"
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: Bees
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous.  Flower scape is an umbel containing 8-20, nodding, 1" long dark pink reflexed blooms.
Notes: One of the most beautiful spring wildflowers.

Pot Size: 4" Band Pot



Dodecatheon pulchellum 'Red Wings' (Shooting Star)
Dodecatheon pulchellum 'Red Wings' (Shooting Star)

Family:  Primulaceae
Zone: 3 - 8
Natural Range: Pacific Northwest
Soil: Moist humus rich
Light: Part shade-sun
Height: 8" - 12
Bloom Time:  May to July
Attributes: Deciduous, clumping.  Dark stems, magenta flowers with white ring around the base of the flower.
Notes: Stunning flowers that looks especially showy when planted in mass.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Doronicum orientale 'Little Leo' (Leopard's Bane)
Doronicum orientale 'Little Leo' (Leopard's Bane) Family:Asteraceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range: Caucasus region, Turkey
Soil: Average to moist
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 15"
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attracts:  Butterflies
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous.  Golden yellow, semi-double daisy like flowers.  Cordate, basal foliage
Notes: Bright spring display

Pot Size:  4" Pot


Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King'  (Male Fern)
Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' (Male Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 2' - 4'
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Crested tips.
Notes: Large fern with attractive and unusual fronds

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Dryopteris cycadina  (Shaggy Shield Fern)
Dryopteris cycadina (Shaggy Shield Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 2.5'
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Upright foliage with black stipe and scales.
Notes: A very distinct looking fern.  Syn. Dryopteris atrata

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Dryopteris erythrosora 'Compacta' (Compact Autumn Fern)
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Compacta' (Compact Autumn Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 1'
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Triangular fronds with orange to red new growth.
Notes: This form is smaller growing.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Dryopteris expansa (Northern Wood Fern)
Dryopteris expansa (Northern Wood Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 3'
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Broad finely dissected, arching fronds.
Notes: Usually found growing on old stumps and rocky outcrops.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Dryopteris kuratae (Kurata's Wood-Fern)
Dryopteris kuratae (Kurata's Wood-Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 2'
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Upright fronds with black scales.
Notes: A recently described species native to moist woods in eastern Asia.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Dryopteris remota (Remote Wood Fern)
Dryopteris remota (Remote Wood Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 3'
Attributes:  Semi-evergreen, upright fern  with golden brown stipe.
Notes: Dryopteris remota is a fertile, naturally occurring hybrid between D. affinis and D. expansa.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Dryopteris sichotensis (Korean Mountain Fern)
Dryopteris sichotensis (Korean Mountain Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 30"
Attributes:  Evergreen, upright fern with slight arching habit.  Bright green new growth.
Notes: Still relatively uncommon in cultivation despite its ease of culture.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Dryopteris sieboldii (Siebold's Wood Fern)
Dryopteris sieboldii (Siebold's Wood Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Japan, Taiwan, China
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 2'
Attributes:  Evergreen to semievergreen.  Arching fronds with thick leathery undivided pinnae.
Notes: Unlike other in ferns in the same genus.

Pot Size:  4" Pot



Dryopteris stewartii (Wood Fern)
Dryopteris stewartii (Wood Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 30"
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Bright green spring growth.
Notes: Still relatively uncommon in cultivation despite its ease of culture.

Pot Size:  Small Band Pot



Dryopteris wallichiana 'Jurassic Gold'  (Jurassic Gold Fern)
Dryopteris wallichiana 'Jurassic Gold' (Jurassic Gold Fern)

Family:  Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 3'
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Orange-yellow new growth.  Upright foliage.
Notes: Exotic texture that brightens up the shady garden.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Empetrum nigrum (Crowberry)
Empetrum nigrum (Crowberry)

Family:  Ericaceae
Zone:  3 - 8
Natural Range:  Circumboreal
Soil:  Humus rich
Light:  Sun, part sun
Height:  4" -12"
Bloom Time:  June to July
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Leaves are alternate, appearing whorled to 1/4" long.  Woody brown stems creeping along the ground forming mats.  Tiny white flowers with pink-purple stigma and stamens.  Black fruit
Notes:Long history of medicinal uses.
Pot size:  Deep Round Pot



Enemion biternatum  (False Rue Anemone) syn. Isopyrum biternatum
Enemion biternatum (False Rue Anemone) syn. Isopyrum biternatum

Family: Ranunculaceae
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range:  Eastern United States, Southern Ontario
Soil:  Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 4" - 8"
Bloom Time: March to April
Attributes:  Deciduous, spring ephemeral.  Delicate Thalictrum - like foliage.  White Anemone-like flowers.
Notes:  Planted in our damp woodland garden.  Also Known as Isopyrum biternatum.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot

$15.00 $18.00


Enkianthus campanulatus 'Bovees Dark Red Stripe' (Enkianthus)
Enkianthus campanulatus 'Bovees Dark Red Stripe' (Enkianthus) Family:  Ericaceae
Zone:  4 - 9
Natural Range:  Japan
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light:  Part sun, sun
Height:  6'
Bloom Time:  May to June
Attracts:  Bees, Hummingbirds
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Deciduous. Numerous reddish bell flowers. Rainbow of fall foliage colors.
Notes:  This cultivar originated from Bovees Nursery.

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Epimedium 'Pretty in Pink' (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium 'Pretty in Pink' (Fairy Wings)
Family:  Berberidaceae

Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range:  Hybrid
Soil:  Average, rich well-drained soil
Light:  Part sun
Height:  18"
Bloom Time:  April to May
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Large pink-spurred flowers with a raspberry center.  Stunning green foliage edged with bronze-red mottling.
Notes:  Good growing hybrid.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot

$18.00 $22.00


Epimedium alpinum (Bishop's Hat)
Epimedium alpinum (Bishop's Hat) Family:Berberidaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Southern Europe
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: part shade
Height: 12"
Bloom Time: April
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Small red and yellow flowers in 12-20 per raceme.  Heart shaped leaflets.
Notes:  Quite drought tolerant once established.
Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Epimedium fargesii (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium fargesii (Fairy Wings)

Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Average, moist humus rich
Light: part shade
Height: 20"
Bloom Time: April
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Evergreen.  Large green leaves that emerge bronzy-orange.  Tall sprays of purple and pinkish white re-flexed flowers
Notes:  unusual flowers and excellent foliage.
Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium grandiflorum 'Bicolor Giant' (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Bicolor Giant' (Fairy Wings) Family:Berberidaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light: part shade
Height: 16"
Bloom Time: April
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Large flowers with pink spurs with raspberry sepals.  New growth emerges red turning green. 
Notes:  Originally from Gotemba Nursery in Japan.
Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Epimedium grandiflorum 'Red Queen' (Barrenwort)
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Red Queen' (Barrenwort)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone:4 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:Part shade
Attributes: Semi-evergreen.  Large reddish-purple flowers with long spurs on tall flower stalks.  Flowers are held among beautiful orange-red new growth.  More spring sun will help color up the foliage.
Notes:  A Harold Epstein introduction from Japan.  Elegant and substantial Epimedium that combines well with ferns.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens #2 (Barrenwort)
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens #2 (Barrenwort)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone:4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:Average to moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:Part shade, shade
Attributes: Deciduous.  Bright green leaves.  Creamy flowers with long spurs.
Notes:  This clone was brought back by Darrel Probst from the Kyoto Botanic Gardens in Japan.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium grandiflorum var. higoense 'Bandit' (Barrenwort)
Epimedium grandiflorum var. higoense 'Bandit' (Barrenwort)

Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 6"
Bloom Time:  April to May
Attributes: Deciduous.  Small pure white flowers with long yellow spurs.  Small leaves with dark brownish red ring around each.
Notes:  A great Epimedium just for the foliage.

Pot Size:  Quart Size Pot



Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum 'Thunderbolt' (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum 'Thunderbolt' (Fairy Wings) Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Georgia
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade, Shade
Bloom Time:  Spring
Attributes:  Evergreen, 12” tall.  Yellow outward facing blooms in spring.  Foliage turns dark purple -  charcoal - black in the fall when the temperature drops.
Notes:  This stunning variation was collected by the U.S. National Arboretum and later named by Darrell Probst.  As the temperature cools the leaves turn dark while the veins stay a light color, hence the cultivar name 'Thunderbolt'.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum (Fairy Wings) Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Georgia
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade, Shade
Bloom Time:  Spring
Attributes:  Evergreen, 12” tall.  Yellow outward facing blooms in spring.  Large green leaves.
Notes:  A very hardy species that is quite drought tolerant once established.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot


Epimedium sempervivens 'Mars' (Barrenwort)
Epimedium sempervivens 'Mars' (Barrenwort)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil:Average to moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:Part shade, shade
Attributes: Deciduous.  Bronze orange new growth ringed in white spines.  Purple flowers with long spurs tipped in white.
Notes:  Great dark flowers.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium sp. nov. 'Caramel'  (Caramel Fairy Wings)
Epimedium sp. nov. 'Caramel' (Caramel Fairy Wings) Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 8" - 10"
Bloom Time: March to May
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Evergreen.  Long, narrow, spiny leaves.  Long wing like leaves emerge with red spotting.  Long sprays of Caramel colored flowers with dark center.
Notes:  Top of the list of cool Epimedium. 

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium sp. nov. 'Simple Beauty' (Simple Leaved Barrenwort)
Epimedium sp. nov. 'Simple Beauty' (Simple Leaved Barrenwort) Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Moist, humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, shade
Height:  18"
Bloom Time:  May to October
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Evergreen, clumping, 6" long, glossy leaves.  New growth is flushed with bronze.  Large yellow flowers with long spurs.  Usual simple leaves.
Notes: A good grower.


Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot



Epimedium x omeiense 'Rigoletto' syn. 'Akane' (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium x omeiense 'Rigoletto' syn. 'Akane' (Fairy Wings)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Naturally occurring hybrid;  E. acuminatum x fangii
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun, shade
Height: 16"
Bloom Time: Spring
Pest Resistance:
Attributes: Evergreen.  Deep rose sepals with orange centers.  Spotted red new growth.
Notes:  Discovered by Mikinori Ogisu.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium x versicolor 'Cherry Tart' (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium x versicolor 'Cherry Tart' (Fairy Wings)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 14"
Bloom Time: Spring
Pest Resistance: Deer
Attributes: Semi-evergreen.  Pink outward facing flowers with darker spurs and yellow center.  New growth emerges reddish-bronze
Notes:  Flowers emerge on a delicate curved stalks.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium x versicolor 'Neosulphureum (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium x versicolor 'Neosulphureum (Fairy Wings)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 12"
Bloom Time: Spring
Pest Resistance:
Attributes: Semi-evergreen.  Pale yellow flowers.  Bronze new spring growth.
Notes:  Shorter and more clumping in comparison to the more common 'Sulphureum'

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium x versicolor 'Versicolor' (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium x versicolor 'Versicolor' (Fairy Wings)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 14"
Bloom Time: Spring
Pest Resistance:
Attributes: Semi-evergreen.  Flowers open deep salmon pink flowers, fading to a creamy yellow in a few days.
Notes:  Flowers emerge on a delicate curved stalks.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epimedium x youngianum 'Purple Heart' (Fairy Wings)
Epimedium x youngianum 'Purple Heart' (Fairy Wings)

Family:  Berberidaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid;  E.grandiflorum var. violaceum x E. x youngianum 'Pink Star'
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun, shade
Height: 12"
Bloom Time: Spring
Pest Resistance: Deer
Attributes: Semi-evergreen.  Dark purple new spring growth turning green in summer.  Light pinkish-lavender flowers with white center. 
Notes:  Purplish fall foliage.  Another Darrell Probst hybrid.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot



Epipactis 'Sabine' (Stream Orchid)
Epipactis 'Sabine' (Stream Orchid)

Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid;  Epipactis gigantea x E. palustris
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 39" tall
Bloom Time:  June to July
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping.  Blooms in spring and summer.  Tall flower spikes of numerous red flowers tinged pink.
Notes: A sturdy hybrid with flowers resembling E. gigantea but with more of the pink and white tones of E. palustris.  Better grower than E. palustris.

Pot Size:  4"  Pot



Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus 'Lynnhaven Carpet (Robin's Plantain)
Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus 'Lynnhaven Carpet (Robin's Plantain) Family:Asteraceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range: Canada south to Florida
Soil: Average
Light: Part sun
Height: 12"
Bloom Time:  Spring
Attributes: Evergreen, ground hugging rosette with spreading rhizome.  Pale pinkish purple flowers with yellow center.  
Notes: This selection was selected discovered near the Lynnhaven River.

Pot Size:  4"Band Pot


Eryngium pandanifolium (Giant Pandanus Leaf Eryngium)
Eryngium pandanifolium (Giant Pandanus Leaf Eryngium)

Family:  Apiaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: South America
Soil:  Average
Light: Sun
Height:  5'
Bloom Time: June to July
Attracts: Bees
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Clumps of sharply toothed grayish foliage.  5' tall flower spikes with upward facing ball like flowers.
Notes: Bold and exotic looking foliage.

Pot Size:  Large Band Pot



Expedition Donation
Expedition Donation


Expedition Donation
Expedition Donation $100.00


Expedition Donation
Expedition Donation $50.00