Astilbe rivularis ZHNP 166 (Giant Waterside Astilbe)

Family:  Saxifragacea
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height:  6'
Bloom Time: June to July
Attracts:  Butterflies, Bees
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes: Deciduous.  Broadly elliptic leaves.  Tall flower stems held above the foliage with feathery, greenish white flowers. 
Notes: We came across this giant in South Western Sichuan growing with Rodgersia, Rhododendron, Arisaema. Native to forests and shaded ravines from 900-3200m.

Pot Size:  Medium Band Pot