Gaylussacia brachycera 'Berried Treasure' (Box Huckleberry)

Family:  Ericaceae
Zone:  5 - 8
Natural Range:  Pennsylvania into Tennessee
Soil:  Average, humus rich
Light:  Part sun, sun
Height:  12"
Bloom Time:  Spring
Attracts:  Bees
Pest Resistance:  NA
Attributes:  Semi-evergreen glossy leaves.  Small white-pink flowers with purple-blue fruit in summer.  Red fall foliage.
Notes:  Discovered in 2003 by Stefan Bloodwroth of the Blomquist Garden of Native Plants.  Will produce fruit even even with only one plant.  Noted to be self-sterile and colonies are often too far apart to produce viable seed.
Pot size:  1 Gallon Pot