Paeonia willmottiae (Woodland Peony)

Family:  Paeoniaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range:  China;  Hubei, Shaanxi
Soil:  Average to moist, humus rich
Light:  Part sun
Height:  24"
Bloom Time:  April to May
Pest Resistance:  Deer, Rabbit
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Spring blooming.  Red - pink new growth.  Deep red underside of leaves.  Large white flowers with yellow stamen.  Large, bright red seed case with blue seeds.
Notes:  An easy species that is not often found in cultivation. Plant in an area sheltered from the hot sun, but not deep shade.  A favorite of mine in the garden for both foliage and flower.  Blooms later than P. japonica but earlier than P. obovata.

Pot Size:  4" Band Pot