Ulmus x hollandica 'Jacquelin Hillier' (Dutch Elm)

Family:  Ulmaceae
Zone:  5 - 9
Natural Range:  Hybrid; U. glabra and U. plottii or U. minor
Soil:  Average, drought tolerant
Light:  Sun, part shade
Height:  6' - 8'
Bloom Time:  NA
Attracts:  NA
Pest Resistance:  Air Pollution
Attributes:  Deciduous.  Dwarf, slow-growing form with dense branching.  Small, finely toothed dark green leaves to 1 1/3" long.  Herringbone pattern along the bark.  Orange to yellow fall foliage.
Notes:   Discovered in Birmingham England in the 1960s. 

Pot Size:  1 Gallon Pot