Calanthe tricarinata (Japanese Hardy Orchid)

Family: Orchidaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: China, Japan
Soil:  Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light:  Part shade, spring sun, summer shade
Bloom Time: April to May
Attributes:  Evergreen, 12” - 18" tall.  Blooms in spring. Blooms are lemon yellow with red lip. Foliage is rounded with deep pleating.
Notes:  This is a very reliable bloomer, in the PNW they are one of the first Calanthe to bloom. They do not multiply super fast but are strong plants.  I have found for many plants that they bulk up faster when planted in a good rich soil that doesn't dry out in the summer.  Plant next to rocks or mixed in the shady perennial garden.  Like most orchids these usually take a season or two to settle in.  Calanthe prefer rich soil, that is well draining such as a mounded planting bed. Give them plenty of open filtered light, avoiding the hot sun.

Blooming Size Plants