Family: Juglandaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern and central United States
Soil: Average, moist well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 40' - 80'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: Wildlife
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Straight trunk, rounded crown. Compound pinnate leaves. Attractive yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Tall shade tree that produces nuts that are eaten by numerous wild animals.
Pot size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Ericaceae
Zone: 3 - 8
Natural Range: AK, WA, OR, CA, MT, ID ; AB, BC, YT
Soil: Humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 6" - 12"
Bloom Time: June to July
Attracts: Bees
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Evergreen. Slow growing mounding shrub with foliage resembling spike moss or even conifers. White bell flowers on reddish stalks and sepals.
Notes:Does best in cool soils that are damp, humus rich and sharp/gritty. Our collection is from Washing Cascade Range.
Pot size: Small Band Pot
Family: Oleaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Florida
Soil: Average, moist, humus rich
Light: sun, part shade
Height: 10'
Bloom Time: May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Fragrant white flowers. Yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Rare shrub in the wild and in cultivation. Found only in small populations in the wild. Profuse spring blooms.
Pot size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Oleaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average, moist, humus rich
Light: sun, part shade
Height: 20'
Bloom Time: May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Fragrant white flowers. Large multi-trunked or single trunk tree. Yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Profuse spring blooms.
Pot size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Fagaceae
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range: Washington, Oregon, California
Soil: Average drought tolerant
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 15' - 30'
Bloom Time: February to July
Attributes: Slow growing evergreen tree with rich green leaves and yellow scales on the underside of its leaves. White flowers late winter to late spring. Seeds are in-cased in a spiny burr like cover.
Notes: Male and female flowers on same tree. Slow growing tree that in the wild is reported to grow over 100 feet tall.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 12" - 18" tall
Family: Ranunculaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 8' - 10'
Bloom Time: July to October
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous to evergreen. Bright yellow bell flowers.
Notes: Attractive green foliage that does not overpower the flowers.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$24.00IN STOCK
Family: Ericaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 5' - 10'
Bloom Time: July to August
Attributes: Deciduous shrub with upright, layered branching and pink, green and white variegated foliage. Pendulous clusters of lightly fragrant white flowers in summer.
Notes: Originally found by Takeda Hisayoshia and his son on Shikoku Island Japan.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$21.00IN STOCK
Family: Myricaceae
Zone:2 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern North America
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 2' - 5'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attributes: Deciduous shrub with simple, narrow, deeply notched light green to dark olive green leaves to about 4" long. Yellowish green flowers, burr-like fruit. Aromatic foliage.
Notes: Adaptable to a range of soil conditions and can be quite drought tolerant once established.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Cornaceae
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range: Eastern North America
Soil: Average to moist
Light: Part shade
Bloom Time: May to June
Attracts: Birds, Butterflies
Attributes: 15' tall. Small deciduous tree or large multi-stemmed shrub with distinctive tiered and layered horizontal branches. Fragrant white flowers. This form has green and white variegation
Notes: One of the most attractive deciduous trees for the woodland garden.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Cornaceae
Zone:2 - 8
Natural Range:North America
Soil: Moist humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 4" - 8"
Bloom Time: May to July
Attributes: Semi-evergreen. Elliptic, glossy green leaves to 2" long formed in a false whorl at the top of a stem. Flowers are surrounded with white bracts. Clusters of red berries in late summer.
Notes: Extremely attractive ground-cover once established. Needs to be planted in the same type of soil as Rhododendrons and other Ericaceous plants.
Pot Size: Medium Band Pot
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil:Average, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 30'
Pest Resistance: NA
Bloom Time: May to June
Attributes:Deciduous tree with distinctive horizontal branching in tiers. Cornus controversa along with Cornus alternifolia are the only two dogwoods that feature alternate leaves. Small white flowers in flattened clusters.
Notes:Great layered branching and red stems.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 3' - 4'
Family: Cornaceae
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Moist, humus rich, well drained
Light: Part sun
Height: 20'
Bloom Time: Spring
Attributes: Evergreen or Semi-evergreen with thick, glossy, bright green leaves to 3" long that turn purplish in winter. White bracts surround a center of yellowish-green flowers.
Notes: Originally introduced into commerce by John Elsley of Wayside Gardens in 1993.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade to shade
Height: 1' - 2'
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen, glossy green leaves with 5 - 18 pairs of pinnae.
Notes: A unique looking fern for the temperate garden.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade to shade
Height: 1' - 2'
Bloom Time: NA
Attributes: Evergreen, glossy green leaves with 5 - 18 pairs of fingered pinnae.
Notes: A unique looking fern for the temperate garden.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:4 - 8
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 18" - 24" tall
Bloom Time: May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping. Blooms in spring and summer. Purple flowers with darker markings. Many flowers in a dense spike. Green foliage.
Notes: Dactylorhiza are among the most rewarding and care free orchids both for the orchid collector and the gardener. They will multiply fast when kept moist and not too shady.
Pot Size: Large Band Pot
$32.00IN STOCK
Zone: 4 - 8
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Attributes: Deciduous, 12” - 18" tall. Blooms in spring. Purple flowers in a dense spike. Large thick green leaves.
Notes: Dactylorhiza are among the most rewarding and care free orchids both for the orchid collector and the gardener. They will multiply fast when kept moist and not too shady. Once a plant has settled in it is one of the few that readily self sow seed easily.
Pot Size: Large Band Pot
Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:4 - 8
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 18" - 24" tall
Bloom Time: May to June
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping. Blooms in spring and summer. Red-Purple flowers with darker markings. Flowers in a dense spike. Green foliage spotted with purple.
Notes: Dactylorhiza are among the most rewarding and care free orchids both for the orchid collector and the gardener. They will multiply fast when kept moist and not too shady.
Pot Size: Large Band Pot
$32.00IN STOCK
Family: Berberidaceae
Zone: 4 - 8
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 2"
Attributes: Deciduous, White flowers in spring, blue fruit when pollinated in fall. Large lobed leaves.
Notes: Very closely related to Podophyllum.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 2' - 4'
Attributes: Evergreen. Crested tips.
Notes: Large fern with attractive and unusual fronds
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 2.5'
Attributes: Evergreen. Upright foliage with black stipe and scales.
Notes: A very distinct looking fern. Syn. Dryopteris atrata
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 2'
Attributes: Evergreen. Upright fronds with black scales.
Notes: A recently described species native to moist woods in eastern Asia.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 3'
Attributes: Semi-evergreen, upright fern with golden brown stipe.
Notes: Dryopteris remota is a fertile, naturally occurring hybrid between D. affinis and D. expansa.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Asia
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 30"
Attributes: Evergreen, upright fern with slight arching habit. Bright green new growth.
Notes: Still relatively uncommon in cultivation despite its ease of culture.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Himalayas
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade-shade
Height: 30"
Attributes: Deciduous. Bright green spring growth.
Notes: Still relatively uncommon in cultivation despite its ease of culture.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Proteaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: Chile and Argentina
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 20'
Bloom Time: May to July
Attributes: Evergreen. Brilliant orange tubular flowers. Silvery green foliage.
Notes: Nothing quite like its brilliant flowers.
Pot Size: Medium Band Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily: Ericaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 6'
Bloom Time: May to June
Attracts: Bees, Hummingbirds
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Numerous small red bell flowers. Rainbow of fall foliage colors.
Notes:Great smaller growing variety
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$30.00IN STOCK
Family: Ericaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 6'
Bloom Time: May to June
Attracts: Bees, Hummingbirds
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Numerous deep red bell flowers. Rainbow of fall foliage colors.
Notes: Newly introduced Japanese cultivar
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Ericaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 6'
Bloom Time: May to June
Attracts: Bees, Hummingbirds
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Numerous flared red bell flowers. Rainbow of fall foliage colors.
Notes: 'Miyamabeni' is a smaller selection with richer red flowers.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 1' -2'
Family: Ericaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 6'
Bloom Time: May to June
Attracts: Bees, Hummingbirds
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Numerous cherry red bell flowers. Rainbow of fall foliage colors.
Notes: 'Showy Lantern' has large cherry red flowers which turn scarlet red in fall.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Ericaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 6'
Bloom Time: May to June
Attracts: Bees, Hummingbirds
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Numerous cherry red bell flowers. Rainbow of fall foliage colors.
Notes:This form has larger, nice red flowers.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$30.00IN STOCK
Family: Ericaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Average, moist humus rich well drained
Light: Part sun, sun
Height: 6'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: Bees, Hummingbirds
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. White bell flowers. Rainbow of fall foliage colors.
Notes: This form has numerous pure white, flared bell flowers.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$27.00IN STOCK
Family: Ericaceae
Zone: 6 - 8
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 6'
Attracts: Bees, Hummingbirds
Attributes: Deciduous. White bell shaped flowers, compact, domed shape with layered structure. Bright red fall foliage.
Notes: Quite scarce in cultivation.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Orchidaceae
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid; Epipactis gigantea x E. palustris
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 39" tall
Bloom Time: June to July
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping. Blooms in spring and summer. Tall flower spikes of numerous red flowers tinged pink.
Notes: A sturdy hybrid with flowers resembling E. gigantea but with more of the pink and white tones of E. palustris. Better grower than E. palustris.
Pot Size: 4" Pot
$24.00IN STOCK
Family: Fagaceae
Zone: 4 - 9
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Average, moist humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 40'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: Deer
Attributes: Deciduous. Cut leaved cultivar with narrow, lanceolate fer-like leaves. Gold fall foliage.
Notes: The variety hetrophylla has leaves cut into slender lobes and the cultivar name Aspleniifolia is in reference to resembling Spleenwort fern.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$24.00IN STOCK
Family: Araliaceae
Zone: 7 - 10
Natural Range: Japan;
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light: Part sun, shade
Height: 7'
Bloom Time: September to November
Attributes: Evergreen. Three tone green variegated foliage. Large palmate foliage. Small white flowers. Black fruit.
Notes: Also known as Fatsia japonica 'Murakumo Nishiki'. A great new Japanese variegated foliage form.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$50.00IN STOCK
Family: Oleaceae
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range: Europe
Soil: Average, moist humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 5' - 7'
Bloom Time: April to May
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Dense, curly dark green foliage. Compact habit.
Notes:Slow growing.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$45.00IN STOCK
Family: Gentianaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: British Columbia south into northern California
Soil: Average, moist humus rich
Light: Sun, part sun
Height: 30"
Bloom Time: May to September
Attracts: Bumblebees
Pest Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Attributes: Deciduous. Clumping. Two inch long, deep blue flowers that face upwards.
Notes: Flowers are held on top of the flat foliage. Slow growing but long lived.
Pot Size: 4" Band Pot
$16.00IN STOCK
Family: Geraniaceae
Zone: 5 - 9
Natural Range: Hybrid; Geranium 'Salome' x Geranium oxonianum
Soil: Average to moist humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 12" tall 3' wide
Attributes: Deciduous. 1" pink flowers with dark purple center and purple veining.
Notes: Sprawling habit with sporadically flowering spring through summer. Introduced by Crug Farms of Wales.
Pot Size: Small Band Pot
$15.00IN STOCK
Family: Ginkgoaceae
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Average, humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 15'
Bloom Time: April
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes:Deciduous. Rich green summer foliage. Brilliant golden yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Sky Tower is a compact and dense upright cultivar. Male selection.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot 18" - 24"
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Sun, part shade
Height: 2'
Attributes: Deciduous, clumping tuberous perennial with green strap-like leaves. Golden-yellow flowers.
Notes: In the wild Hemerocallis middendorfii is found growing in open mountain meadows and woodland edges.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
$18.00IN STOCK
Family: Hydrangeaceae
Zone: 7 - 9
Natural Range: China
Soil: Average, moist humus rich
Light: Part sun
Height: 6' - 12'
Bloom Time: August to September
Attracts: Birds
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous. Narrow, velvet-like leaves with large buds. Large blue-purple lacecap flowers and white sterile florets.
Notes: Large group of Hydrangea.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
OUT OF STOCKFamily: Hydrangeacea
Zone:5 - 9
Natural Range:Japan
Soil: Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4'
Bloom Time: July to September
Attributes: Deciduous. Lace cap type with double white to pink blush florets that droop like a waterfall.
Notes: One of the best hydrangeas.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Hydrangeacea
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range:Japan
Soil: Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, shade
Height: 4'
Bloom Time: July to September
Attributes: Deciduous. White, gray, green and bright yellow variegated foliage. White-purple lace-cap flowers
Notes: Discovered as a sport of 'Lemon Wave' at Cistus Nursery.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Hydrangeacea
Zone:6 - 9
Natural Range:Japan
Soil: Average humus rich, well drained
Light: Part shade, sun
Height: 4'
Bloom Time: July to September
Attributes: Deciduous. White sterile florets with blue flowers.
Notes: One of the best hydrangeas.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Hydrangeacea
Zone:3 - 9
Natural Range:North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia
Soil: Average humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 3' - 6'
Bloom Time: May to July
Attributes: Deciduous. Green leaves with bright silvery-white underside. White lace cap flowers on new wood. yellow fall foliage.
Notes: Great foliage. Was considered a subspecies of Hydrangea arborescens
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Family: Hydrangeaceae
Zone: 6 - 9
Natural Range: Japan
Soil: Moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 2' - 4'
Bloom Time: Summer
Attracts: NA
Pest Resistance: NA
Attributes: Deciduous, Double blue or pink lacecp blooms. Burgundy fall foliage..
Notes: Like other serrata types, these are smaller and more petite growers.
Zone:7 - 10
Natural Range:Florida
Soil: Average to moist, humus rich
Light:Part shade, sun
Bloom Time:May to June
Attributes: Evergreen. Aromatic foliage when crushed. Small yellowish white flowers.
Notes: Easily grown in rich soils and will tolerate full sun as long as soils are kept evenly moist.
Pot Size: 1 Gallon Pot
Zone: 3 - 9
Natural Range: Eurasia
Soil: Average, moist, humus rich
Light: Part shade
Height: 6'
Bloom Time: Summer
Attributes: Deciduous. Spade shaped leaves to 18" long. Tall stems of rayed aster like flowers to 4" across.
Notes: Numerous showy yellow flowers.
Pot Size: Large Band Pot
$20.00IN STOCK